The 2nd Hack Research was a great success with some high-quality output and a lot of great participation. We had about 60 students there and over half of the students were part of a submission. The proceedings are now online on the event website: We’re looking forward to 2020!
2nd Annual Hack Research (HackR 2019)
ASARG is hosting the 2nd annual Hack Research (HackR) on December 7-8, 2019. The website with the details and registration is currently live ( Register and come join us for 24 hours of research, learning, and teamwork.
Paper accepted to SODA 2020
The group just had a paper accepted to appear at the 31st ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) in 2020. The title is “Hierarchical Shape Construction and Complexity for Slidable Polyominos under Uniform External Forces” and the authors are Jose Balanza-Martinez, David Caballero, Angel A. Cantu, Mauricio Flores, Timothy Gomez, Austin Luchsinger, Rene Reyes, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie.
Summer Xtreme Seminar
Come join us at the first Summer Xtreme Algorithms seminar! This is a quick set of 5 talks to showcase some of the work being done in the lab. These are 10 minute talks! If you’re interested in research, come see what topics might interest you. The talks are in IEAB 2.208 on 7/25 starting at 1 pm. For a full list of talks, see the flyer.
Short abstract accepted at JCDCGGG
The short paper “Relocation with Uniform External Control in Limited Directions” was accepted at the 22nd Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games (JCDCG^3). The paper will be presented at the conference in September in Tokyo.
The authors on the paper are Jose Balanza-Martinez, David Caballero, Angel A. Cantu, Timothy Gomez, Austin Luchsinger, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie.
Paper accepted at CCCG 2019
We have just had a paper accepted to the 31st Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry. The paper is titled “Discrete Planar Map Matching” authored by Bin Fu, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie. For more information visit the publication page.
Summer REU Students
This summer the NSF has granted us funding for two REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) students. David Caballero and Tim Gomez will be granted these REU stipends as they continue their great work over the summer months.
Paper accepted to ICALP
Our paper “Covert Computation in Self-Assembled Circuits” was accepted to the 46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP ’19), which is a top tier conference. The authors on the paper are Angel Cantu, Austin Luchsinger, Robert Schweller, and Tim Wylie. For more information about the paper, visit the post.
New paper accepted in Algorithmica
Natural Computing Special Issue
An invited journal version of our UCNC paper “Optimal Staged Self-Assembly of Linear Assemblies” was accepted for publication. We’re excited to get this full version out with a lot of new details about the constructions.